About Me

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I'm Charity. I am a born and bred, die hard South African. Rooted to the land,fascinated by the cultural diversity,conscious of our history,engaged in our present and committed to our future. I espouse responsible citizenship and patriotism as a means to defining national identity. (See My SA Links)

Wednesday, 16 January 2008

Some inspiration please

It's been hard to ignore, hasn't it?
The accusations and counter-accusations, cowboys and crooks, public misinformation and spin-doctoring, etc. that has become synonymous with what constitutes our daily news.
Some commentators call this an exciting time in our history as a new democracy. Others' opinions range from cautious apprehension to sensationalism. Where does that leave the truth?
I'm not convinced in any particular direction, however if one believes the US to be the greatest democracy in the world, then these antics are a sure sign that we're on the express train to greatness.
I have work to do, places to go, a home to manage, so I don't have time to read every story. Yet I feel obliged to keep up to date with the state of political affairs. Afterall I will be exercising my hardfought right to vote next year... But for some inspired choices_Eish!

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