About Me

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I'm Charity. I am a born and bred, die hard South African. Rooted to the land,fascinated by the cultural diversity,conscious of our history,engaged in our present and committed to our future. I espouse responsible citizenship and patriotism as a means to defining national identity. (See My SA Links)

Wednesday, 02 January 2008

Ready, Set, Go for 2008!

2007 started with much excitement and optimism...
The SA Patriot Initiative's organisational framework was in place, the board members were finalised and the Section 21 Company was registered in January. The next step was to implement the organisation's funding strategy and communication plan.
In terms of communicating the SA Patriot message, the website which was launched in October, was for me the first major, measureable milestone for the initiative. I am proud of the website, and am committed to enhancing it as a resource - making it more relevant to the SA Patriot Community.
Next to the website one of the highlights of 2007 was South Africa's Rugby World Cup victory - we are proud to have worked with the SABC in its "Our Blood is Green" project to rally support around the RWC Final.
We will continue to work towards securing funding for the SA Patriot Initiative's Campaigns in 2008.
Although I don't subscibe to the 'New Year's resolution tradition, in the spirit of growth, I do find it useful to set goals around my intentions for the year ahead.
In 2008, growing SA Patriot is of course one of my main goals.
Another is to wander off the main roads and travel to at least one South African town I've never been to before...
See you there!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good luck with this initiative. Happy New Year to all SA Patriots out there!

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