About Me

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I'm Charity. I am a born and bred, die hard South African. Rooted to the land,fascinated by the cultural diversity,conscious of our history,engaged in our present and committed to our future. I espouse responsible citizenship and patriotism as a means to defining national identity. (See My SA Links)

Thursday, 31 January 2008

Stand up

While writing my last blog, I lost my internet connection (not as a result of power cut) and was left with a blank space where my draft post had been. Of course, when you're writing directly to PC, as I often do, it is difficult to recapture the spirit and repeat as eloquently, the words of the original thought process. I had no-one to blame and much as I had an inclination to smack the screen, I dare not mess with the sensitive hardware that is my irreplaceable tool of work and play.
One of the things that I couldn't adequately articulate in my second sitting, relates to how we can convey our collective views as citizens in order to influence government’s response to urgent issues, such as the electricity shortage that is threatening to paralyse the country. Another, is the incorporation of the Scorpions (South Africa’s FBI) into the SAPS.
My thinking is that there must be a formal census to confirm the mandate for certain actions contemplated by government. Some things demand more than gripes in the media, they demand that we put ourselves out as a collective in demonstration of our will.
Surely that's what DEMOCRACY requires of us.

Wednesday, 23 January 2008

Holding on to power

I celebrated my birthday earlier this month. It was a quiet day, with intermittent calls from well wishers. Apart from the start of a new year, my birthday prompts me to reflect. Personal growth, relationships, professional amibitions, etc. all come under review. And the conclusion? My journey continues...
Of course, I have not had the luxury of being oblivious to the electricity crisis. I am pissed off that we are where we are, because of poor planning by the only provider of electricity in this country. And I believe we are all entitled to voice our frustration with the dismal state of affairs. But in wearing my responsible citizen's cap, I also realise that we need to adjust our actions and attitudes to cope with this situation. The question is: will that be enough?
In the meantime, I'm trying to get a clue about how to minimise my household's dependency on electricity (and hopefully cut Eskom out of my straining budget).
The one action that we've taken over the past few years, which has been easiest, is to switch to Compact Flourescent Light (CFL) bulbs. They cost more initially, but according to the experts they last longer and use less power.
I'm still training myself to remember to switch the geyser off during peak times.

Wednesday, 16 January 2008

Some inspiration please

It's been hard to ignore, hasn't it?
The accusations and counter-accusations, cowboys and crooks, public misinformation and spin-doctoring, etc. that has become synonymous with what constitutes our daily news.
Some commentators call this an exciting time in our history as a new democracy. Others' opinions range from cautious apprehension to sensationalism. Where does that leave the truth?
I'm not convinced in any particular direction, however if one believes the US to be the greatest democracy in the world, then these antics are a sure sign that we're on the express train to greatness.
I have work to do, places to go, a home to manage, so I don't have time to read every story. Yet I feel obliged to keep up to date with the state of political affairs. Afterall I will be exercising my hardfought right to vote next year... But for some inspired choices_Eish!

Tuesday, 08 January 2008

Watching the signs in 2008

The new year is well and truly upon us. The confirmation? Schools open tomorrow.
And while I am, as other parents are, caught up in the fuss that goes into preparing kids ready for the new school year, I am also busying myself with plotting my year_professionally and personally. As I look at my draft SA Patriot calendar, I am reminded of the work we still have ahead of us.
Firstly, we have to plan how to capitalise on, and expand on the elements that created momentum for the initiative in 2007. Secondly, we have to revisit the elements that misfired or didn't produce the results we anticipated. But undoubtedly, and tied in with these aspects of our planning, the major objective for 2008 is building the SA Patriot community.
Critical to initiatives like the SAPI is funding. As with any nonprofit, one often has to rely on the inclination and understanding of those in a position to invest in social efforts such as this. How does the saying go: "There is none so blind as s/he who will not see." We must sell the SA Patriot vision to the blind and/or otherwise distracted in the halls of power.
As I have observed the news reports of ethnic violence in Kenya, and as history has repeatedly shown us, we live in a society that is sensitive to the conditions of its people. If nothing, my hope is that the powers that be in our society will moblise their efforts parallel to international economic and political interests, to recognise the national importance of a social integration, first and foremost. We may not (want to) see the undercurrents of ethnic or class division, but they are there, and have the potential to turn the tide abruptly. We can least afford that.

Wednesday, 02 January 2008

Ready, Set, Go for 2008!

2007 started with much excitement and optimism...
The SA Patriot Initiative's organisational framework was in place, the board members were finalised and the Section 21 Company was registered in January. The next step was to implement the organisation's funding strategy and communication plan.
In terms of communicating the SA Patriot message, the website which was launched in October, was for me the first major, measureable milestone for the initiative. I am proud of the website, and am committed to enhancing it as a resource - making it more relevant to the SA Patriot Community.
Next to the website one of the highlights of 2007 was South Africa's Rugby World Cup victory - we are proud to have worked with the SABC in its "Our Blood is Green" project to rally support around the RWC Final.
We will continue to work towards securing funding for the SA Patriot Initiative's Campaigns in 2008.
Although I don't subscibe to the 'New Year's resolution tradition, in the spirit of growth, I do find it useful to set goals around my intentions for the year ahead.
In 2008, growing SA Patriot is of course one of my main goals.
Another is to wander off the main roads and travel to at least one South African town I've never been to before...
See you there!

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