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I'm Charity. I am a born and bred, die hard South African. Rooted to the land,fascinated by the cultural diversity,conscious of our history,engaged in our present and committed to our future. I espouse responsible citizenship and patriotism as a means to defining national identity. (See My SA Links)

Tuesday, 09 September 2008

Zapiro hits a nerve with Zuma cartoon

It's got the loyal Zuma supporters fuming and of course every newspaper analysing whether Zapiro's cartoon that appeared in the Sunday Times over the weekend, is appropriate or not. (If you haven't seen it yet, where have you been? - click on this link
There is no doubt in my mind that the portrayal of Zuma seemingly preparing to rape the justice system, while "she" is held down by his comrades (ANCYL,SACP,ANC and COSATU leaders) is offensive. But, I wonder who really has the right to feel offended - Mr Zuma? The Justice System? His Supporters depicted in the cartoon? Women?

The fact that there is a coordinated effort to ensure that Mr Zuma not be brought to trial and that a "political solution" be sought to his pending court case, has fuelled speculation that the ANC is looking for special treatment for Mr Zuma, as the country's President-in-waiting.
Claiming political conspiracy in their efforts to shield Mr Zuma, his powerful party and its allies have recently been at pains to explain that in so doing they are not undermining the judicial system but merely protecting South Africa from the backlash of an unpopular outcome to the ANC President's looming trial.

I can't say that I am strongly persuaded either way regarding Mr Zuma's guilt or innocence, but I have been witness to the working of the Justice System and some of the people mandated to uphold its integrity and fairness. By my assessment, Mr Zuma is not the first, nor the only citizen who feels unfairly treated by the Justice System. Yet he seems destined to be the first citizen for whom a "political solution" is sought.

I am on the side of every citizen who should have the right to prove injustice, whether wielded by the powerful human beings who sit in judgement in our courts, the politically powerful who stand for themselves above the people or the powerful corporate shareholders who rape our legacy and steal bread from our tables in pursuit of their profit agendas.

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