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I'm Charity. I am a born and bred, die hard South African. Rooted to the land,fascinated by the cultural diversity,conscious of our history,engaged in our present and committed to our future. I espouse responsible citizenship and patriotism as a means to defining national identity. (See My SA Links)

Tuesday, 23 September 2008

Pres Mbeki's term interrupted

It's farewell to Pres Mbeki, SA President of the past 9 years, a veteran born into the ANC and son of one of Mandela's peers, the late Govan Mbeki.
His departure may have been dignified, but it certainly was unceromonious. With the divisions and struggle for power in the ANC ranks common knowledge even before the raucus images were broadcast live from Polokwane for all SA citizens to see, Jacob Zuma still insists that Mbeki remains his "comrade, friend and brother". Hello, are you talking about the same guy that is supposed to have conspired against you with the NPA? Come on now...
The events of the past 10 days or so have had the nation engrossed in all manner of discussion and debate. The Nicholson judgement, the vociferous reaction of the ANC Alliance partners, the threats of the ANCYL in support of Mbeki's removal, Mbeki's innocence or guilt amid the judge's suggestion of political interference in Zuma's prosecution, the decision to axe the Pres before the 2009 elections, the possiblity of early elections, the possible fallout, the appointment of an Acting Pres. etc. etc.

For the most part South African's are asking:
Is the President's early removal from office in our best interests - the citizens or this country?
As the dust looks to be settling, Pres Mbeki has bid farewell to the nation, an ANC candidate for Acting President has been identified and we look forward to national elections, where the voters will finally be heard above all the noisy, self-serving politicians!

To Pres Mbeki, I say:
Your Presidency has had its good times and bad; you made us proud at times and at other times we were dismayed; your Presidential speeches were inspiring but your willingness to share your thoughts with us was rare. You took on a difficult job that, judging from public reaction to your resignation, earned you as many critics as it did admirers. While your report card may be sprinkled with F's for "Flawed", you were competent and dedicated in your duties. Your service to South Africa has been significant, and we wish you well in the years ahead.

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