About Me

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I'm Charity. I am a born and bred, die hard South African. Rooted to the land,fascinated by the cultural diversity,conscious of our history,engaged in our present and committed to our future. I espouse responsible citizenship and patriotism as a means to defining national identity. (See My SA Links)

Monday, 29 September 2008

Wanna tell somebody?

Personally, I feel that SA companies for the most part pay lip service to the importance of customer care in retaining business. I think the guys at the top get it, but the employees we as consumers have contact with, are clueless or arrogant enough to place it at the bottom of their longlist of obligations.
When I am impressed I let the staff know, and where appropriate give a cash gratuity. If I'm not, I let them know that too; either by making a direct comment, slashing or eliminating the "exepected" gratuity or throwing a trantrum (yes, I have in very few extreme cases of blatant disrespect or indifference, been known to raise my voice in discontent).
I have also on occasion torturously bit my tongue as my husband advocates restraint, particularly in restaurants - for fear that his next serving may be contaminated by an angry waiter/chef/manager. [FYI, I have it on good authority that his fear may not be without merit at certain establishments. Problem is my sources do not want to be quoted for fear of reprisals]
But bad customer service is amongst my top three irritations guaranteed to raise my blood pressure without fail. So I am very happy that we have hellopeter.com. If you're looking for consolation after an eye-opening customer service experience or just wanna tell somebody, check it out - I have added the link here (see left hand column below the POLL). Once registered (very simple and with due regard to anonymity) you can log your compliment for outstanding service or vent about your latest bad service experience. The guilty company can access it, but more importantly you can share your experience with other consumers so that they are informed and learn from your experience.

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