About Me

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I'm Charity. I am a born and bred, die hard South African. Rooted to the land,fascinated by the cultural diversity,conscious of our history,engaged in our present and committed to our future. I espouse responsible citizenship and patriotism as a means to defining national identity. (See My SA Links)

Thursday, 21 February 2008

Rush, rush on to the next headline

In keeping with my intention to gain a public platform by capitalising on the media coverage of "The Pledge", I sent out a press release last week. In it I chose to express the need to use this opportunity to facilitate a broader objective around responsible citizenship (as proposed by the SAPI on its founding more than a year ago.)
The most appeasing response was an invitation to interview on SAFM's Morning Talk on Monday (18 Feb). In the allotted 20 minutes, I felt satisfied by the animated interaction of callers, and that we had gained a commitment from some listeners (let's say passive SA Patriots). And we did, as I later discovered when logged on to the 'new registrations' email).
But as always, the media is on to their next headline and I return to my desk to continue the effort to expand the voice of our movement.
To those of you who got my email and managed to tune in on Monday - great!
For those of you would didn't, I'm hoping to post the recording of this and other SA Patriot interviews online. Will keep you posted...

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