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I'm Charity. I am a born and bred, die hard South African. Rooted to the land,fascinated by the cultural diversity,conscious of our history,engaged in our present and committed to our future. I espouse responsible citizenship and patriotism as a means to defining national identity. (See My SA Links)

Monday, 02 June 2008

Poverty is a violent condition

Pic: news24.com

I may have been away from the blog (due to technical problems), but I too have witnessed with distress, the events dubbed "Xenophobic Attacks" in the media, that have shaken our nation.

The latest wave of violence against foreigners is arguably the darkest period in our post-democratic history. It brought deep-rooted frustrations of our country’s poor to the fore, which erupted in brutality, torching and looting of lowly homes and modest businesses.
The outpouring of public support and assistance that followed is evidence not only of our compassion, but our opposition to the actions of our fellow South Africans and the collective shame we feel.
Yet we must acknowledge that ripples of antagonism have been forming in hotspots around the country for years. These extreme and unprovoked violent actions cannot be condoned, and the opportunistic criminal element cannot be overlooked.
In our hearts we know, as a nation, that the desperate conditions of poverty among many South Africans leaves little for them to share with their equally desperate, migrant neighbours.

While government scurries to implement a long overdue and critical "Refugee Plan" and ordinary citizens come to the aide of the affected foreigners in true South African spirit, one thing must remain top of mind: unless we demand urgent action to satisfactorily address the smouldering issues such as housing and unemployment, these incensed mobs will ignite again.

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