About Me

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I'm Charity. I am a born and bred, die hard South African. Rooted to the land,fascinated by the cultural diversity,conscious of our history,engaged in our present and committed to our future. I espouse responsible citizenship and patriotism as a means to defining national identity. (See My SA Links)

Sunday, 11 May 2008

Go Mothers!

I am grateful for this experience of being a mother. As with other experiences in my life, it has provided a perspective for some enlightenment.

My 3 childrens births gave me a newfound insight and appreciation of the reality which my own mothers (yes, plural) faced. And as I participate in my children's upbringing, I find myself exposed to every possibility - that which is within my control and that which is not.

Parenting is definitely a challenging and demanding task. I think I am most grateful that I have not had to face a day when I could not meet my childrens basic needs. I am conscious that there are mothers who, today and every other day of the year, are forced to witness their children go hungry for lack of adequate food, be exploited for lack of opportunities and die for lack of medication. This day of gratitude must honour them too.
"A mother always has to think twice, once for herself and once for her child."
Sophia Loren

Monday, 05 May 2008

Shame on corporate thugs

"INTELLECTUAL THEFT OR PLAGIARISM is the use of others' published and unpublished ideas, words or other intellectual property without attribution or permission, and presenting them as new and original rather than derived from an existing source. The intent and effect of plagiarism is to mislead the reader as to the contributions of the plagiarizer. "

It is shameful to see the likes of lauded organisations like the International Marketing Council (a.k.a. Brand South Africa) passing off templates of ideas they have previously rejected, as their own. Paraphrasing cannot disguise the obvious copy and paste, but money and profile certainly can...

Think cable thieves are a threat to society? Yes, theirs is an offence - an offence most likely perpetrated in response to economic need.

The intellectual theft perpetrated by corporate thugs is a premeditated act of corporate greed.

You decide which is the greater denigrating force on the virtues of our society?

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